if else conditional operator


Returns either value depending on the result of a Boolean expression.


A if expression else B

The value for the entire conditional expression if the condition is True.
The condition that evaluates to a Boolean.
The value for the entire conditional expression if the condition is False.

Return Value

The same as passed to the expression.

Time Complexity



Python’s conditional operator is similar to the if else statement. It is also called a ternary operator since it takes three operands (as opposed to binary operands like +, - or unary ones like ~).

Example 1

>>> 1 if True else 0
>>> 1 if False else 0

Example 2

>>> rating = 100
>>> 'good' if rating > 80 else 'bad'

The above expression returns ‘good’ if rating is greater than 80 and ‘bad’ otherwise.

Note that conditional operator does not allow the use of statements:

Example 3

>>> print 'good' if rating > 80 else print 'bad'
  File "<interactive input>", line 1
    print 'good' if rating > 80 else print 'bad'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

See also